Sunday, November 17, 2013

How many people worldwide have been infected with the H1N1?

latest news zambia
 on Latest News - LionAid
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please provide infections and deaths worldwide. thank you!
the tamiflu site is just an ad site... doesnt help much but thanks for trying =D

Hey Alex,
According to the latest WHO report out Wednesday, the number of confirmed H1N1 (swine) flu deaths since its emergence in April has reached 1,799 - a jump from 1,462 deaths since the agency's last update, Agence France-Presse/the Australian reports. The WHO report also notes Ghana, Tuvalu and Zambia became the latest countries to confirm H1N1 cases for the first time, bringing the total number of countries with H1N1 to over 170 (8/20).
Also on Wednesday, the total number of deaths from H1N1 in Latin America rose above 1,300 - "more than 70 percent of the world's fatalities" - after the country governments reported updates, the AFP reports in a separate story. "With vaccines against swine flu still more than a month away from being available -- and wealthy countries snapping up all available pre-orders from the big drug companies -- Latin American nations are looking at ignoring patents to produce their own," the news service writes, adding, Argentine President Cristina Kirchner on Tuesday appealed for pharmaceutical companies to "drop patent protection for their vaccines." "Given the laboratories' confession that they can't produce enough A(H1N1) flu vaccine for the whole world, the economic rights should be suspended to protect the health of mankind," Kirchner said.
To read more, go to

Hope this helps!

What happens to those who never hear the Gospel?

I have been somewhat bothered by this question over the years, especially as it is so often aimed at Christians by unbelievers as a defence for not believing.

I think I have settled the issue in some respect in my own heart and mind. I think Ethiopia is a prime example of the Gospel of Jesus Christ having been preached through Philip to an enquiring official who was very close to the Queen of Ethiopia (Acts 8:27-38). It most certainly appears that God in His mercy oftentimes will give the potential to the saving of a nation through the words of an evangelist to even one individual who has authority in that unsaved nation. Ethiopia has gone through some very difficult years indeed (truth, then false religion, confusion, war, drought, starvation). We can so easily come in during the times of a nations depravity, and think to ourselves that God has not told that nation of the Good News in Jesus Christ, and we would be mistaken. In Britain we can take the Biblical account, and if we are wise, acknowledge the devastation of a nation when that nation turns back from Christ as their God.

God is so able to work in nations, tribes, tongues, without our knowledge. i remember reading a wonderful story of a man who lived with his tribe in the darkest and inaccessible part of the jungle. Apparently as the testimony goes on to say; this man received a dream. In the dream he saw a white man approaching him in the jungle with a black book in his hand (in those days all Bibles were black), and the white man was handing the book to him which he willingly received. Years came and went, and one day when that native man was older, a minister of Jesus Christ came to the village with his black Bible and preached to them from it in their own language. Immediately, the native remembered the dream of his younger days! That tribe received Jesus as their Saviour. I remember reading another book called 'The Gates Of Splendor' which was a real tear jerker about Christian missionaries who had been killed and eaten by the cannibals who they had befriended. Years later the wives of those martyred followed their late husbands and won those people for Christ!

in summary it is never over till it's over. i also think that the sins of the fathers do fall upon the children to a large extent, and this is why Christians are admonished (might I use the word 'commanded' to bring up their children in the faith). There was a President of Zambia by the name of Cheluba who had become a born-again Christian while in prison. He was a criminal, released from his incarceration, raised to a President of this nation, who abolished witchcraft and outlawed it (it was the traditional religion up until this change made by Cheluba). The Character attacks then began and continued of course!

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