Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How come the news comments disappear for some articles and are not even available to comment on some others?

latest news 24
 on Property for Sale: Houses for sale: Property24
latest news 24 image


less than 24 hours later the user comments section has been deleted and a lot of articles don't include a user comments section at the bottom

Like all good things, more and more paid conservative posters was using Yahoo to try to influence people. Just like money now has a louder voice in Wash than individuals, money was being used in every possible political corner by Corporations and the wealthy to influence voters that their way is the best way.

How can liberal news stations be rated so low unless cons have no intellectual curiosity?

Liberal La

Cons claim that Fox is rated so highly because Liberals watch it. Why don't cons watch MSNBC? Do they only want to hear what they want to hear? Can they not tolerate an opposing point of view? Fox News only has 2 liberals and they complain about them all the time.

Over 90% of news media is liberal, as you know, while almost 99% of the entertainment industry is further to the left than Joseph Stalin, late night talk shows and SNL are in partnership with the democratic party (and the communist party too).

We get your liberal viewpoint 24/7/365 everywhere, all the time. When I listen to Howard Stern show, they are predominantly liberal, repeating the propaganda they read in the NY Times as if its an objective, non-biased news source.

Fox allows more than one viewpoint, that's the difference between all your news groups and Fox. BTW, Fox has a lot more than 2 liberals- Juan Williams, Geraldo, Alan Colmes, Greta Van Susteren
while your ideology rarely allows a conservative viewpoint unless its a set-up or a gang-up.

Liberals had nearly 100% control of the news media prior to Fox, from Walter Commie Cronkite to the time Rush and Fox emerged, liberals controlled the news media, would not allow any viewpoint but the "far left" view; liberals enjoyed this massive advantage for so long, its become an entitlement, that's why liberals are outraged that Fox, Rush, Coulter, Hannity, Savage and other conservatives are on the air, liberals really believe only their viewpoint should be allowed to be in the news.

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